Mccall Road Conditionssocial Post Detail - Road news out of itd: 11, starting at approx. Crews will perform work to repair winter damages to the road surface. Viamichelin provides details of incidents that may affect road traffic in mccall that include: Road closures, lane restrictions, accidents, roadworks, weather, special events (e. g. Road conditions are very hazardous right now. Visibility is low and many intersections are slippery! Please slow down, give. Attention all drivers and commuters: A change to the project on deinhard lane impacting traffic. Road closures and public works projects. 216 east park street mccall, idaho 83638. Please be safe out there today! Slow down and watch for pedestrians and plows! Get the driving conditions around mccall and check the weather in nearby destinations that are easily drivable. You can also check the local altitude and get the mccall elevation in the area. Mccall status, road closure with live updates from the idaho dot. East park street between 3rd street and samson trail will be closed monday may 3rd 2025 at 7:00am to repair a water main break. Check the road conditions from post falls to mccall and plan a trip based on the weather along the way.
Road news out of itd: 11, starting at approx. Crews will perform work to repair winter damages to the road surface. Viamichelin provides details of incidents that may affect road traffic in mccall that include: Road closures, lane restrictions, accidents, roadworks, weather, special events (e. g. Road conditions are very hazardous right now. Visibility is low and many intersections are slippery! Please slow down, give. Attention all drivers and commuters: A change to the project on deinhard lane impacting traffic. Road closures and public works projects. 216 east park street mccall, idaho 83638. Please be safe out there today! Slow down and watch for pedestrians and plows!